ナビゲーション リンクのスキップシラバス検索 > シラバス検索結果 > シラバス詳細

Effective English Communication 2020  
Tyrel Eskelson ( 大学院教育学研究院 )  
池田 恵子 ( 大学院教育学研究院 )
Tyrel Eskelson ( 大学院教育学研究院 )
科目種別 教育学部専門科目 他学部履修等の可否
開講年度 2020  期間 1学期 時間割番号 007239 
授業形態 講義 単位数 2  対象年次 2  
対象学科・クラス   補足事項 シラバス検索結果画面で表示される「曜日・時限」及び「対象年次」は変更となる可能性があります。 
ナンバリングコード EDU 3001 
大分類コード 大分類名称
EDU  教育学院・教育学部
レベルコード レベル
3  学部専門科目(発展的な内容の科目)、全学教育科目(高年次対象科目)
中分類コード 中分類名称
0  共通科目
小分類コード 小分類名称
0  共通科目


A course focused on reading, writing, and speaking to improve English skills for the future professional. Learn about the English-speaking world and how you can succeed with English as a second language.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with basic skills in spoken and written English, and in oral presentations, so they can better prepare themselves for more advanced level courses which they will be taking later on.

Particular focus will be placed on 1) English pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation, 2) writing paragraphs, 3) oral presentations. 

This course will focus on developing 1) English pronunciation, rhythm and intonation, 2) the ability to write a short structured English paragraph, 3) the ability to give a presentation in English.

We will practice these skills throughout the semester by increasing vocabulary, lots of speaking exercises, and writing assignments. This class will be an English-only zone, where you speak, write, and practice only in English.

This course will focus on developing 1) English pronunciation, rhythm and intonation, 2) the ability to write a short structured English paragraph, 3) the ability to give a presentation in English.

We will practice these skills throughout the semester basing our activities on the materials in the textbook and other sources, should need arise.

Week 1: Course Introduction
Weeks 2-12: Guided Activities
Week 13: Giving a good oral presentation in English
Week 14: Oral presentations
Week 15: Oral presentations

Students are required to prepare and review each lesson. In addition to the assignments the lecturer gives, they are expected to carry out work on their own.

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through.
1. Participation (attendence and daily assignment) 30%, 2. Final Oral Presentation 20%, 3. In-class Assignments 20%, 4. Quizzes 20%
All students should do their best to participate actively in English at all times. Students who participate positively in class will receive higher marks. Speaking 100% in English will enhance participation marks. This grade is based on effort and dedication to improvement. It is also aimed at improving confidence to communicate.
Quizzes(20%): Advanced notive will be given for upcoming quizzes based on class material. These will be counted toward the final grade. Quizzes will involve vocabulary, grammar, and short answer.
In-Class Assignments (20%) These will vary from prepared speaking exercises, short opinon essays, and other homework tasks.
Oral Presentation (20%): At the end of the course, students will be required to give an oral presentation, based on a topic of their choosing in consultation with the instructor, as well as to submit a written script. Following the oral presentation, students will be expected to explain as well as to respond to questions from their fellow students and the instructor.  A more detailed explanation of this task will be given by the instructor during class. 




Necessary materials will be distributed in class.


All reading materials will be provided in handout-sheets or brief excerpts giving in lecture slides.



Lectures relating to: Preparatory Seminr for Summer Institute 2020, Summer Institute 2020, ESD Asis-Campus Pacific 2020

2020/04/20 11:57:48


ナビゲーション リンクのスキップシラバス検索 > シラバス検索結果 > シラバス詳細