ナビゲーション リンクのスキップシラバス検索 > シラバス検索結果 > シラバス詳細

Values of Tourism  
エデルヘイム ヨハン ( 大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 )  
エデルヘイム ヨハン ( 大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 )  
科目種別 全学教育科目(主題別科目) 他学部履修等の可否
開講年度 2024  期間 1学期 時間割番号 000636 
授業形態 講義 単位数 2  対象年次 1  
対象学科・クラス 基礎1-53組 補足事項   
ナンバリングコード GEN_LIB 1231 
大分類コード 大分類名称
GEN_LIB  全学教育(教養科目)
レベルコード レベル
1  全学教育科目(語学上級科目、高年次対象科目を除く)
中分類コード 中分類名称
2  主題別科目
小分類コード 小分類名称
3  社会の認識

Tourism; Values; Ethics; Society; Multiscience; Visual methods

This course gives you an opportunity to learn about different values held in society, and how these values determine the way all of us in society think about, and evaluate different matters.

The objectives of this course are:
• To introduce you to values and to tourism as fields of academic investigation.
• To create opportunities for you to work constructively alone and with others.
• To experience and examine tourism as a phenomenon that signifies modern society.
• To appreciate that knowledge is multi-modal, and that we need to interpret more than just written words to understand society.

These objectives will be achieved through the use of weekly definition tasks (in words and pictures), and a roleplay game that will run throughout the unit.
You are also encouraged to improve your English communication skills through experiential learning: roleplaying, reading, writing, and talking English in class.

Tourism can best be understood as a multiscience. It is a rich field of human endeavours that can be studied from as many perspectives as society itself. In this course it is done by examining a multitude of different values in society, and how they make us think about tourism in different ways.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

1. Explain and illustrate a range of different values in society, in words and in visuals.
2. Distinguish values that can lead to positive, but potentially also harmful actions through tourism.
3. Evaluate when communities are better off by not allowing tourism developments to go ahead.
4. Visualise how lived and aspirational values shape the ways tourism is used and understood in different societies.

Regardless of the field of studies you aim to focus on in the remainder of your studies, you will benefit from learning how to examine society from different viewpoints.

This course is based on an active learning pedagogy. You will throughout the course have an important role in creating the definitions and illustrations of key concepts that will be discussed in class – this will be done either in words or in pictures on the class ‘discussion board’ site.
You will also be placed into groups that will be assigned different roles in an imaginary country, (e.g. Government, Farmers, Business community, International aid organisation, etc.) and will need to negotiate with other groups to find suitable solutions to a common issue.

Week 1; Introduction: We will cover assessments, expectations, explain groups, and discuss a number of expressions and terms that will be used and defined throughout the course.
Activities – Pros and cons of tourism

Week 2; Whole Tourism Systems (WTS)
Activities – Explaining and playing a first half of Roleplay Game 1

Week 3; Values, Value hierarchies and Value systems
Activities – Playing the second half of Roleplay Game 1

Week 4; Economic values
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board

Week 5; Ecological values
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board

Week 6; Cultural values
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board + Playing the first half of Roleplay Game 2

Week 7; Social values
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board + Playing the second half of Roleplay Game 2

Week 8; Political values
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board

Week 9; Professionalism as a value
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board

Week 10; Knowledge as a value
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board + Playing the first half of Roleplay Game 3

Week 11; Ethics as a value
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board + Playing the second half of Roleplay Game 3

Week 12; Mutuality as a value
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board

Week 13; Stewardship as a value
Activities – definitions and illustrations from discussion board

Week 14; Workshop – Reflections on Roleplay game
Activities – Presentations of visual essays

Week 15; Summary of course
Activities – Presentations of visual essays

Active learning means that there are small tasks you will need to do almost every week – but instead, there are no major assignments for you at the end!

You are expected to read the Study Guide chapter for the following week ahead of class, it sets the frame for the class, and gives you hints about the concepts you will be expected to illustrate or define.

All definitions (text and pictures) in the course will be done by you, based on the research you conduct ahead of each class. You will also be expected to comment on your peers’ visualisations and definitions so that you jointly can learn and encourage one another to think differently about matters.

Definitions in words – on the class Moodle discussion board 25% – Course Goal 1

* 5 separate words to define – 5 points possible for each definition
+ 2 points for a definition based on a credible source
+ 2 points for a short explanation of the definition in your own words
+ 1 points for a constructive comment on a peer’s definition

Illustrations in pictures – on the class Moodle discussion board 25% – Course Goals 1 and 4

* 5 separate words to illustrate – 5 points possible for each illustration
+ 2 points for a relevant picture posted
+ 2 points for a short explanation of the picture in the posting’s comment field
+ 1 points for a constructive comment on a peer’s posting

Your definitions and illustrations form the basis for our classes, I am therefore giving you feedback every week on your submissions so that you can learn and adapt ahead of following weeks.

Weekly reflection – link from Moodle site 10% – Course Goals 2 and 3

Each week, after the class is done, you are expected to do a small reflection on two questions: What did you learn this week? and What would you like to learn more about, or what do you still find confusing? The expectation is that you write at least a one sentence reply to each question, but you are welcome to also write more if you feel inspired by something specific that week.

Visual essay – Topic: “What do Values of Tourism look like?” 20% – Course Goals 2 and 4

Create a visual essay from the pictures you took for your illustrations, (add if needed) pictures you consider to be representative for Values of Tourism. You are free to use any medium to present your visual essays (you can, for example, create a Manga, a mini-film, a Canva infographic poster, a mind-map, a website presentation, a Power Point or Prezi presentation, or some other creative solution). Include some captions or commentary.
Present your pre-recorded visual essay to the class in no more than three (3) minutes.
The key marking criteria are: visual flow, creativity, augmentation of values, reflection, application of theory.

(a full marking rubric is given in class 1).

Reflection on Roleplay game in group (or alone, depending on number of students in the class) 20% – Course Goals 2 and 3

Together with the group you have been in for the Roleplay game (or individually if we do not create groups), write a reflective report that shows how your perception of two (2) given values have or have not changed during the course of the game. The reflective report should be less than 1000 words (marking guide given in class 1).




No textbook


You will be given a 'Study Guide' and a 'Book of Readings' in the class, they will act as your textbook, and guide you through the topics. Readings will also be uploaded to a shared course folder. However, you will also be required to do your own research and search for relevant texts to create definitions.



This course is open to you who can make yourself understood in English. Note, I do not speak Japanese, all instruction is in English.

The default mode is face-to-face classes. However, if you are unable to attend the class live then there is a hybrid mode - though, confirm this with me in advance.

Please refrain from using AI-generated content for assignments, as the emphasis is on your individual learning and personal development. Beware of the university’s policy on AI, students found using them for assignments are given a fail grade.

If you have special learning needs, e.g., identify as being on the neurodivergent spectrum, then please come and talk to me early in the course to create a learning environment that is suitable for your educational needs.

Mondays from 14:00-17:00 is reserved for study related consultations in my office (S210). Please send me a message beforehand if you want to meet then.

2024/02/26 18:16:17


ナビゲーション リンクのスキップシラバス検索 > シラバス検索結果 > シラバス詳細